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  • Writer's pictureMaya Bingaman

An open letter to my mom on Mother's Day: Choosing to be a mom

Happy mothers day mom! When I reflect on the year it has certainly been a hectic one, even as the the world shut down. There has been a pandemic and two civil rights movements with BLM and StopAsianHate. Although you and dad never had all the tools or perspective to guide me through racism as a kid and now adult, I do look back and think how fortunate I am to have you as a mom. Many people lack sensitivity around people that are different, whether it be because of socioeconomic status, disability, gender identity or something else, but I really do think from an early age you taught me compassion through education and the value of talking about new things continuously. Sitting behind you in the car until I so eagerly earned my permit, lent itself to many lessons. I remember you explaining what it meant for someone to be gay, the difference between "autistic" and "artistic," and after church one year you telling me that you think of my birth mother on this day too. I think identity and character are the most unique things that humans have. Although I haven't ever really fit in perfectly because I was Asian in a white community, you have given me the tools to think about life with an open perspective and open heart.

You lead through action every single day. Growing up as the oldest sibling in a trailer that squeezed too many people-- you were the text book definition of what a "mom" was when your parents were absent. Even today: Every morning you take your brother to work and every evening you make sure he is in bed and asleep/safe so he doesn't stumble and hurt himself at night. Before it became something parents intentionally did, you let Serena and I play in a gender-neutral setting as kids. We had Matchbox cars and video games if we wanted or art kits and PollyPockets for the next time we were bored. You patiently have attended probably atleast a hundred doctor visits for Uncle Dave and Serena and listened to her hundred of tantrums that extended past what a normal toddler would have because of her ODD and ADHD when she was little. When I was in high school and needed a psychologist, you were on the phone the next day finding one our insurance covered.

I have been fairly independent my whole life. I think part of it is because I see how many other people and things you take care of, so I needed to be a help to your time and energy. I went to college five hours away and then grad school out of state and now I'm moved even further. I was able to do all of that because of you, because of the time you took to help me with FASFA and take me on admission tours, even though you and dad never went through the process.

I am successful because of you and will continue to work hard for you..Hopefully one day you'll have that in-laws quarter to visit in my custom built house! Thank you for choosing to be my mom, which arguably to me is the greatest act of love I could receive. -Maya

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